Organise an event

The Netherlands will participate in Expo 2025 with a self-built pavilion, featuring an event space that is available to rent for events hosting up to 90 people. Do you have an exciting idea to organise your own Expo event at the Netherlands Pavilion? Get in touch!

Event proposal form

The event space of the Netherlands pavilion presents a unique opportunity to forge Common Ground and present your organisation to Japanese and international stakeholders. Please use this form to submit your proposal for an Expo event at the Dutch pavilion.

Event Space NL Pavilion
  • Period: April 13 – October 13, 2025 
  • Capacity: max. 90 persons 
  • If your desired time and date are not available, we will get in touch to discuss alternative options. 

Priority will be given to the following: 

  • Events with a connection to the Netherlands and its themes. 
  • Parties that can cover the total costs (rental, catering, etc.), arrange logistics, and are able to coordinate their event independently.

We will contact you within two weeks after receiving your proposal.

For questions, please send an email to